When you buy a new car, you may be vigilant about taking good care of it — for a while, at least. But before you know it, you’re overdue for an oil change and you’ve got coffee-stained upholstery and a quarter-sized dent in the hood. Your car deserves better. And when it comes time to sell it, the time and money you’ve invested into caring for your car will result in a … [Read more...]
Pre-Trip Car Checklist
Some may be more exotic, but there’s no vacation more classic than the great American road trip. In a car culture like America’s, setting out on the open road by yourself, with the family or with a few friends is a coming-of-age adventure. The destination may not even be the primary goal; all those memorable road-side stops, running jokes and heart-to-heart talks are what … [Read more...]
Brakes – What can go wrong? Part – 2
Now, to the maintenance part for as you have seen there are actually many parts that form the whole brake system which is imperative that you keep in tip top shape as possible for safety’s sake. Any fluid leak should be inspected or at least have it looked at by a mechanic to ensure they are not a danger. Worn out hoses and brake lines can suddenly burst (the pressures are … [Read more...]
Brakes – What can go wrong? – Part 1
The brake system of your car is one of the most vital safety features that without which driving would be impossible. There are many things that can go wrong with your brakes and as preventive maintenance and regular inspection, it would be best to check on a few parts so you don’t get caught without brakes on the road. Under the hood of any vehicle there is a container or … [Read more...]
Driving All Power Means More Maintenance Requirements
We are at an age where most cars come with special features. One thing that is bound to get our nod as far as preference is the all-power features that include power locks, power windows and power steering. Of the three, the power steering is what captures the attention of modern drivers since unlike the conventional vehicles of yesteryears, they don’t have to worry about hard … [Read more...]